One-Hit Wonders
One Hit Wonders can be some of the greatest songs ever made. They can also be some of the worst songs ever made. VH1 has compiled their list of the top 100, let's take a look at the good and bad
The good:
- "Don't Leave Me This Way", Thelma Houston. The original Disco dance hit. It starts out slow and smooth, but it picks up little by little. By the end, you're dancing and you're loving it.
- "Bust a Move", Young MC. Old-school rap at its best. Clean lyrics that actually are creative.
- "Spirit In the Sky", Norman Greenbaum. Golden oldie that has a mean guitar in the beginning.
- "Funkytown", Lipps Inc. I love disco, and this song defines it. I loved its inclusion in Shrek 2, loved it.
- "You Get What You Give", New Radicals. It's a shame this group disbanded after their first album. This song defines what goes into a great song.
- "Jump Around", House of Pain. Why did this guy try to go acoustic and change his name to Everlast? You know you like this song, as much as you try and deny it.
- "867-5309", Tommy Tutone. An 80s classic.
- "500 Miles", The Proclaimers. Funny and catchy.
- "Play That Funky Music", Wild Cherry. Great song, period.
- "Come On Eileen", Dexy's Midnight Runners. Up-tempo folk song that slows in the middle, then picks up again at the end. If you can successfully slow, then finish strong, a guaranteed good song.
- "Tainted Love", Soft Cell. The perfect sing-along song, made even more popular with its inclusion in "Coneheads". The change to "Where Did Our Love Go" at the end is brilliant. A little Motown with 80s synthesizer pop, good stuff.
The bad:
- "Barbie Girl", Aqua. I don't think I need to explain.
- "More, More, More", Andrea True Connection. It sounds more like a Gregorian chant. Bad song.
- "I Touch Myself", The Divinyls. Ask within about this one.
- "Seasons In the Sun", Terry Jacks. A snoozer. Also a veteran of the TV CD collections you see way too often.
- "In-A-Gadda-Vida", Iron Butterfly. A 17 minute rambling composed by 4 stoners. Seriously, look at them during their performance. They're trying to say, "In the Garden of Eden". As you can see, they came up a little short. In fact, the only word that is comprehensible in the entire song is "Baby".
- "You Light Up My Life", Debby Boone. Let me shed a tear. The Celine Dion of her day.
- "Rico Suave", Gerardo. Oh boy. Where to begin. First, he tried to rap. Second, he says "Rico.......Suave" about a thousand times. And third, he put the words "prom" and "date" together. Bad.
- "I'm Too Sexy", Right Said Fred. This guy has gone from #1 to now hosting a show on the BBC. I guess he's no longer too sexy for his cat.
- "Macarena", Los Del Rio. Even Al Gore did the Macarena, that makes it bad.
Of course there are more good and bad songs, but that's all the time we have tonight on this subject.
Interview went well, I think. Now it's time to really wait. Tomorrow, I officially graduate with my Master's from Miami. 5 years ago tomorrow, I moved into 343 Symmes Hall. Now, I'm officially done as a Miami student and with school. It could and probably will get emotional tomorrow. It's fitting that my Master's hood is red and white, can you imagine me wearing anything else on my last day as a Miami student?
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