Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Take A Chill Pill

This message goes to the Little League teams from California and Florida, coaches and players. The mission of Little League baseball is to have fun and promote sportsmanship. The opposite was going on in California's 6-2 win in tonight's US semifinal game. Players are talking trash at one another, yelling into the opposing team's dugout. The coaches aren't helping by yelling at the other team's coaches to get their players to settle down. Then the coaches are getting in the umpires' faces about questionable calls. It's Little League Baseball!!!!! Symma down!!!!

This message also applies to the city of Cincinnati. Bob Huggins has negotiated his termination, where he'll receive $3.1 million (last I heard), including $100,000 over the next 3 months to help with the transition. I decided to listen to some Cincinnati talk radio to hear some of the fans' reactions. After doing so, I think I have become dumber listening to these people try to explain why Huggins was such a great coach. Yeah, he won a lot of games, but at a very heavy price, it being the university's reputation. And did these fans ever consider UC, in the long run, may be better off in the long run with a new coach? It is possible, which UC backers have a hard time believing. I'm so tired of this story, I'm tired of talking about it.

Well, another day has passed and still no news. It isn't bothering my mind as much as I thought it would. It has been nice to be able to take a step back and relax some here at home. This is the first time in a loooong time I haven't had anything big coming up or be in the middle of something. Of course, if I get the news I'd like to hear, that will all change, but for now, life is basically on hold. Now, I'm able to comprehend how busy I was constantly while at Miami and how much time and energy it took out of me. I love getting involved and making a difference, but I don't know if I'd recommend getting as heavily involved with as many things as I did, because it can beat you up, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Would I do things differently, probably not because it was a heck of a ride. I've experienced so much and I'm only 24!!!!!

So currently, it's the simple life. Get up, clean house, read, listen to Dan Patrick, watch The Horn and PTI, eat, work out, blog, and go to bed.

Tomorrow is CJ vs Northmont, and my first trip back to Northmont in a little more than 2 years. Outside of watching my bro play tennis, I haven't gone back a whole lot. In fact, I've only been to 1 football game at Northmont since graduating. I'm not going to be "that alum" that's stuck in their high school days and come back constantly. The same will be true with Miami. I'll come down to visit my bro, but that'll be it, maybe a football/basketball game here and there depending where I end up.

Little League Commercial Views: 29

I'm really sleepy tonight, had a grreat workout.


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