Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Living in the Past

Right now, I'm watching Sportscenter and the umpires of Game 2 of the ALCS at the post-game press conference. There was a controversial call that ended up helping the White Sox win the game. But, in what other sport do the officials take part in the post-game press conference. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this doesn't take place in football, basketball, or hockey. Another reason why I don't like baseball. Last time I checked, a baseball game lasted 9 innings, so there are many chances to win/lose a game. It was a judgement call, he made it, he stands by it, his supervisor supports it, and that's it. To the Angels: tough cookies, score more runs the next time.

Living in the past is an activity I don't take part in, but others do. Now sure, I remember great moments. I like looking back at old photo albums, watching old movies and basketball games, and reminiscing with friends, but in a nostalgic sort of way.

These are examples of not being nostalgic, but needing to move on with your life:
Watching ESPN's Bound for Glory, the story about Montour, PA football, there is a bar in Montour where former Montour players hang out, recalling the glory days. I'm sure they're also the ones that watch every practice, every scrimmage, and every game. They live off of their glory days, letting that run their life. The same goes on message boards dedicated to high school sports. I don't post, but I read one every now and then, seeing if there's a big scoop. Instead, you primarily find people talking trash about their alma mater, many I'm sure are far removed from their high school days. Yes, I like to see Northmont do well, but you won't find me spending all day on a message board talking trash about high school football. (Surprise, surprise, many of them are from the Cincinnati area)

Another example, and many of you I've told you this, was when one of my ex-girlfriends's mom kept talking to me on IM after I broke up with her daughter. She thought we would get back together after that particular school year, but I told her, "I'm sorry, but there's no way I'll get back with your daughter." So the conversations ended, but I still found them stalking me at the neighborhood Kroger where I worked during the summer. I was going to try and make up with them, see if we could be friendly, but they would have none of it. I like seeing how people are doing, checking up on them, but I don't (I hope) my behavior isn't stalkerish.

I think I mentioned this in an earlier post, but when I went to a Northmont game and saw Northmont alums wearing their old marching band t-shirts at the game, then going down to the field and being among the current band, as if they were still in the band.

I asked a good friend about this, especially now that I'm at home, surrounded by memories. I think she put it well when she said, "It's ok to let your mind drift back to those special memories, just don't let your life revolve around them because then you won't allow yourself to create new memories." I totally agree with that.

Finally, it appears Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski will become head coach of USA basketball for the 2006 Worlds and the 2008 Olympics. I think you can guess my feelings about this choice: it's a great one. No matter who's on Team USA, they will play the right way and be ready to compete. They won't be all athletes, there will be athletes, shooters, leaders, and role players. People think Coach K has it easy because he's at Duke, and everyone wants to play there. But more often than not, he can only go 7-8 players deep because he keeps a fair number of walk-on, non-scholarship players. Especially in the last 3-4 years, he's done more with less than any other coach other than Bob Knight at Texas Tech. When Duke won the 2001 Title, he totally changed Duke's style of play when Carlos Boozer got hurt. Left with no low-post threat, Duke went to a run and gun, perimeter-oriented style of play, relying on their speed and quickness. It worked to perfection. So Coach K can be very flexible, which he'll need to be. Hopefully, he'll be able to pick some college players for this team, but one thing's for sure, JJ Redick will be on the team.

It's good to be talking basketball. I love it.


Blogger Brad said...

just curious, but does sitting in a dorm room in Symmes Hall watching a tape of Miami-Temple count as reliving the past? If not, what about every time that you see said person you watched the tape with, and consequently have to do an imitation of "pump fake" Richie Allendorf, does that then count??

October 13, 2005 at 12:16 AM

Blogger Marty said...

Oh, that DEFINITELY counts as reminiscing. Our version of ESPN Classic. I don't think there's anything remotely wrong with that.

October 13, 2005 at 6:40 AM


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