Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years Later

It was one of those days that gave you a lot of energy from the word go. Even with an 8am class, it had all the makings for a great day. Clear, blue skies filled with sunshine with a little breeze that made it not too hot. The day felt just right. It was a normal Tuesday, Intro to Microeconomics from 8-9:15 followed by the customary Bell Tower brunch with friends. I walked back to the dorm loving the day, loving the weather and mentioned this to a friend I started to chat with online. Then she told me to turn on the tv and that I should look at what was happening. And the complexion of the day changed. I went to my other 2 classes in a daze, like everyone else. I don't think the events of the day hit me until I watched the prayer service at home Friday. I'll certainly never forget.

But it seems a growing number of us are, again being consumed by the political consequences of our actions. We're looking for the easy way out of situations, not focusing on what will be needed to get the job done. We have a long fight ahead of us, but we've made good progress. Of course, you wouldn't know it by watching most newscasts. There are some out there that think there's a better way to do things, but we don't know what that entails. Just as we were 5 years ago, we are politically divided. It makes me wonder, did we learn anything? It almost seems like we're setting ourselves up for another 9/11. I certainly hope not, but the patriotism and the unity the country showed after 9/11 is gone.

I watched the ABC 9/11 'docudrama' and thought it was actually pretty good. From the history I've read, not counting the acting and making the scenes more dramatic, I thought it was pretty accurate. Presidents Clinton and George W. had opportunities to possibly prevent 9/11, but they didn't think it could happen, they didn't grasp the scale of what could happen. President Bush has acknolwedged his mistakes, I don't know why Clinton and his administration didn't do the same. Instead they attacked the movie, probably in fear that their great presidency would be tarnished some. They argued more of the blame would be put on Clinton than Bush. I didn't think the moviemakers slanted it one way or the other. Certainly Clinton had more chances because he had been in office longer. But Bush didn't make it a priority either instead focusing on uniting the country politically after the close 2000 election.

By the way, what's up with Harvey Keitel, who played John O'Neil the FBI agent, coming out and criticizing the script of the movie??? If you didn't like the script, why did you do it? I think it's a case of needing the work, then trying to make a statement.

Anyway, President Bush spoke to the nation tonight, urging Americans to keep believing in the cause and to stay committed. It's not going to be won overnight or in a year, it will probably continue for years to come, hopefully not as long as the Cold War, but we will have to be patient and supportive of our troops. I didn't see Bush the politician tonight, but Bush the leader, someone who truly cares about his people. So what do the networks concentrate on? The political ramifications and how this will affect the upcoming midterm elections.

I don't care if you agree with me politically. I do hope that we never forget that we were attacked and those people that attacked us are still out there, ready to pounce on any sign of weakness we show. Pulling back means they won. We can't pull back, we must win or we will be at the mercy of others. Here's hoping that America stays strong.


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