Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Whoa Nellie!

I'm watching the USC/Texas Rose Bowl on ESPN Classic, Keith Jackson's final game as a broadcaster. He has retired, for good (if you remember, he retired back in 1998 but stayed on). It's always great hearing Keith's voice, because his voice is college football. When he decided to stay on, I wasn't in favor of it. I'm not a fan of people unretiring after they get the big sendoff. And Keith wasn't as sharp as he used to be, but still, Keith Jackson is a staple of fall Saturdays and I will miss him. The great play-by-play announcers are a dying breed. Now, you get these types that get excited about every little thing and are more worried about what their memorable calls and quotes will be instead of sticking to announcing the game and letting the excitement come naturally.

Speaking of USC, Matt Leinart and Paris Hilton are now an item?!?!? I really am not a Leinart fan now. It looks like he's more worried about his image than his football. He thinks he's one of the greatest things ever created. It looks like he has a huge ego. Hopefully I'm wrong, but after seeing him almost cry after falling to the #10 pick, firing his agent (Ben Roethlisberger's agent), and appearing in People's Most Beautiful People issue, I don't know.

My afternoon commute just got longer. So wouldn't you know, my backup route (Grand River) is going to be down to one lane. It took me an hour to get home tonight, ridiculous. This is supposed to only last 2-3 weeks, but who knows. Another highway note, someone left their couch on the ramp connecting I-275 and I-96. You know , your average couch on the side of the road, in pretty good condition, something you see every day, right haha?

Tiger Woods's dad died today, succumbing to prostate cancer. When he and Tiger first hit the national stage, I thought they were brash and cocky. But you know what, they got it right. Earl ended up right about how good Tiger was going to be, on and off the golf course. In fact, Tiger has been better than advertised, becoming one of the greatest athletes of all time. And Earl stepped out of the spotlight once Tiger turned pro, simply becoming a proud dad at a tournament rooting on his son. At first glance, it appeared that Earl was living through Tiger, pushing him to be a pro golfer. But the way Tiger talked about him and the way he broke down after last year's Masters, Earl got him started, but Tiger did the work and is grateful for his dad being there.

Tomorrow, Steve Forbes is coming to the Fed as part of a conference we're assisting at. Yup, that Steve Forbes, as in Forbes magazine and the Forbes 500. Should be interesting.


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